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So I have to take Oxycodone for a while

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Hi readers! So there’s been a few updates since I let you guys know of my injury. I hadn’t been able to post them, but I did think about you and the fact that I was leaving my blog in the dark, so here I am!

In any case, as you guys may recall, I’m dealing with a bit of an injury. Repetitive strain injury is what my doctor called it I’m pretty sure I remember correctly. I need to let my arm rest, not use it for any weight lifting, I have to figure out can you buy oxycodone online because that is what my doctor has asked me to take.

It would seem it is not too serious and it’s expected to heal but the doctor sort of alluded to something along the lines of me being more careful with my arm now, so it won’t actually get serious. Photography is my career, my hobby and my life though. I can slow down for a while to get better but stop altogether? Bit of a tall order.

I’m looking into rigs that distribute the weight of the equipment better along your body, back, and your body weight in general. It might set me back some cash but it beats having to quit my passion. If more updates arise I will be sure to let you guys know here.